Thursday, November 18, 2010

brushing my teeth on the front porch

It’s funny how we catch ourselves doing silly things, isn’t it? Strange little idiosyncrasies you didn’t even know existed until it just dawns on you one day, “Man, I didn’t even know I did that…”

I’m going to be honest here, I caught myself today. I just realized that I like to go outside while brushing my teeth. Weird, I know.

I was in my hotel room this morning and I went to brush my teeth. The next thing I knew I was staring at the gardener from my porch, toothbrush in hand (and mouth). Oops. I laughed about it, but then I realized it’s something I do a lot. At my house in India my bathroom is connected to the rest of the house by the porch, so instead of staying in the tiny bathroom while I brush my teeth I usually go stand on the porch and look at the neighborhood, mountains, cows, etc. It’s not that it’s intentional; I just sort of do it. The problem is I didn’t even realize I had this funny, little habit until I was in a new environment and sort of got called out about it.

And that gets me thinking… What other little habits do I have in my life that I might not even realize? What are the things in my life that I didn’t even realize I was doing, the things that have been flying under the radar?

I’m going to take the funny look from a Thai gardener to remind me to be more intentional in everything I do. What else am I doing that people notice? What does my “normal routine” show about me? Or better yet, what does it show about my Father? Am I living my life in a way that shows I’m constantly being made more and more into who He would have me be, or am I just cruising on auto-pilot?

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31
