Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Book Challenge

In a follow up to my last blog post (the one about books I read in 2010), I’d like to write about books I plan to read in 2011.

I don’t have a list of specific books, but I am going to present myself with a challenge. I took this idea from a friend, Tessa, who is going to read 52 books in the next 52 weeks.  I read 36 last year (if my math is right), and I’m up for a challenge this year.

To keep track of my progress I’m using goodreads It’s a virtual bookshelf that lets you keep track of the books you’ve read, are currently reading, and want to read. You can create custom bookshelves, and they have a 2011 book reading challenge. I’ve gone in and set my goal to 52. You can follow my reading progress by clicking here, and if you’re a member of the site be sure to add me as a friend.

What’s your reading goal for 2011?

How many books do you want to read?

Are there any specific books you really want to knock out this year?


1 comment:

  1. Sweet! Glad you are doing it too. That is a good idea to use Goodreads. I might do that too
