Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Wacky Week

After such an exciting day last Monday for Holi, it only seems right that this week I’m feeling a little under the weather. I’ve come down with some sort of stomach bug that I can seem to shake. I’ve actually had it for right at two weeks now, but the first week I just let it run its course hoping I’d improve. After no luck I went to the doctor last week, got put on some meds and told that I should be feeling better in a couple days. It’s been almost another full week now and I’m still not feeling better. In fact, even after really trying not to, I feel like I’m starting to get dehydrated from the loss of fluids. So it’s back to the doctor first thing in the morning to see if he can figure out what’s going on. If you think about it, be praying for my tummy.

Other than my stomach pain though, things have been going okay around here. I’ve really started making some good friendships with some of the college guys around here. Basically, I try to spend several hours four or five days a week going to different college campuses, meeting people, and just getting to know them. It’s been a lot of fun so far as people are very approachable and interested to learn more about me and why I’m living in their world for now.

I feel like my Hindi is still improving, too. The last two weeks I’ve gone to a Hindi speaking church to get the extra listening time in. It’s definitely a challenge and by the end my head feels like it’s about to explode, but I’m understanding a lot more than I have in the past.

Also this week my friend Josh booked his plane tickets to come visit me! He’ll be staying for over a month, and I’m excited about seeing an old, friendly face!

Quote of the Day:

On Skype this morning

“Hey! Guess where we are!” – Mom

Nicaragua… guess what time it is.” – Me

Well, it was well before 8am here and she didn’t mean to call that early, but I was a little grumpy, ha ha. It was also too early for me to be coherent enough to thank her for the awesome package that arrived last night. It was full of Reese’s Easter eggs, fruit snacks, oatmeal creampies, beef jerky, gumbo mix, a nice new CoolDry polo and a ton of other good stuff! Thanks Mom!

As my story implied, my mom and sister are in Nicaragua for the next week or so. If you’re interested in what they’re doing, you can click here

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry I woke you last night. I am praying you feel better soon. Maybe the comfort food in your box will help. Was hoping you would like the goodies.
    Love you lots.
