Take buying a couch for instance - Today Travis and I took a trip down into the bazaar, found a couch, bought it, and had it delivered. It was here before 3pm. Now as you can see it was brought by a different mode of transportation than expected, but it got here, was taken upstairs, and now its in the living room. No problem.

But then again, as we found out over Christmas at our friends' house, it's not always as easy as our experience today was. At their house it took 3 Americans and 5 or 6 Indians to lift the couches up to the 3rd floor by nylon rope.

Only in India!
Nope ... you never know what you're gonna get. Dude, I've loved keeping up with how the Father is moving through you. I haven't had a chance to check in with your new Bharat Me site, but I just sat down and went through it all. Too bad about your motorcycle ... assuming your momma didn't fly out here to get you after that past. Keep doing the thing He has you doing. Hopefully we can hook up some day. Cliff's supposed to stop by here next month on his way down south and Lindsey talking about about coming as well. Be cool to see you on this side of the world. Tell Travis I said hi. Does he have a site btw? Love you, bro!